Hey there, I’m so glad you made it to our party! My name is Amy Colbert, and I have been with Color Street for four years. By day I am a high school counselor, but when I get home I love to play with our four dogs, spend time in our yard, and go to Colts games with my husband and parents.
Rob and I have been married for more than 20 years, and we have three daughters. Haley is our oldest, and Mary Pat and Maddie are currently in college in Tennessee. This is Maddie’s first year, so we are new empty nesters, getting used to the quiet house. We have three fox terriers, Evie, Hank and Rosie. Two years ago we added Tyson, a gentle and well-trained pit bull. He is also my unofficial work partner and mascot for my blog page. Click HERE to see photos of him.
This is my 24th year as a school counselor. In that role I deal with everything from academics and scheduling to mental illness and family issues. Which is all to say, Color Street is a fun second job for me. I give my heart to my students, and Color Street gives to ME. If you’d like to learn more about what it could be for you, drop me a line!